Clouthub freespace streetjournal
Clouthub freespace streetjournal

clouthub freespace streetjournal

They did NOT put up a sign asking people not to use 'gendered language' in their stores. 10:39:03 I owe Whole Foods an apology for a thread I started yesterday based on Twitter bullshit. 12:12:20 What the fuck did I ever do to you, Nintendo, that y'all had to make my suffering into a fucking joke? 23:21:02 "George Takei Reacts to Gay Sulu News: "I Think It's Really Unfortunate"" - Takei is in the 'make NEW gay characters instead of changing existing ones' camp (no pun intended), it seems I should've manused it less." (honestly not sure if manpology or brotinuing to make fun) 17:12:37 Notch - "I've now manunderstood the c word is way more loaded in the us than I thought. 08:13:47 Rich Johnson - "Ms Marvel – And A Test Case For Child Pornography?" (Kukuruyo again) 15:30:18 The College Fix - "Mizzou’s Melissa Click says she feared student journalist had a gun" (lies about concealed carry law, which was introduced *after* the incident) Her reply: Do this again & I'll cut all contact." 18:48:15 Based Mom - "Received sad not(e) from a dad whose daughter is a campus gender warrior. 15:12:07 Gregory Alan Elliott - NOT GUILTY 20:45:45 Someone using the GG hashtag has doxed and threatened to shoot Veerender Jubbal - in the spirit of being decent humans, can we condemn this as hard as it's possible to condemn something? 15:18:18 Zyklon Ben on Social Justice Warriors (drawn for Sargon) - I'll just leave this here.

Clouthub freespace streetjournal